Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Success story....

Aim Higher...

Early this morning on the 3rd day of Celebrate Service Week, Cheng Mee Chan, a new colleague at In Room Dining, was seen earnestly reading the Winning Ways posters displayed at the staff walkway and jotted down what she had read into her little note pad. When she was asked by the Assistant HR Manager, Siti Noor Azwani what she was doing, laced with confidence, Cheng answered, “I was reading what Aim Higher means. To me, it means I must always challenge myself to improve. My supervisor, Ku Aziz will ask me to give an example later on during our briefing and I must be able to participate fully”.

Cheng and Aziz were each rewarded a Winning Way voucher for displaying the Right Behaviour!

Show We Care...

A year ago, if you had passed by the Chinese restaurant at the golf club next to the hotel, you would have noticed a waiter pacing inside the quiet outlet, beaming and inviting you to come in. He was just bursting with enthusiasm and it was only right to transfer him to the Banquet Department as a waiter.

A month into his new role, Rhuhaedy Buang, was assigned the important task of personal butler to the CEO of a large corporate company from India. The CEO was having a meeting with his senior executives at the hotel.

The CEO who was an avid golfer, wanted to go to the driving range the next day after his meeting. Rhuhaedy made the necessary arrangements with the Hotel’s concierge. At 7am the next day, after loading the CEO’s golfing gear on the buggy, off they went together. When they reached the range, they found out it was closed, imagine the disappointment!! They had been misinformed on the opening hours – it so happened that on that particular day, the range was to open only at noon.

The CEO was visibly upset but Rhuhaedy was determined. He calmed the CEO, asked him for 15 minutes to put things right, then he started running all over the driving range collecting golf balls left behind from the previous night. He managed to collect 200 balls, just so, that the CEO could practice his swing!!

Rhuhaedy’s 'Show We Care' attitude and enthusiasm to aim higher makes him a favourite among guests he meets everyday. It is not unusual to see his name in the banquet comment cards, commenting him on outstanding performance in taking care of events. He has an eye for detail, he thinks of how he can further “WOW” guests in the simplest of way. Not surprisingly, his excellent service attitude won him the Employee Of The Year recently.


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